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Company: Atlendis Labs
Protocol: Atlendis
Website: atlendis.io
dApp: app.atlendis.io
Dev contact: CTO & co-founder, t.me/stec0
Smart contract addresses on Polygon:
How to get address balance at the protocol?
Including staked assets
for each address, positions on the platform are represented in the form of NFTs. So the position manager contract is actually a ERC721, which address on polygon is 0x55e4e70a725c1439dac6b9412b71fc8372bd73e9.
How to get the composition of underlying assets?
For a given NFT token ID, calling the position(tokenId) method will give more information on the position, in particular: corresponding pool hash (to which borrower are lent the assets), rate at which assets are lent and underlying token of the pool (for the two pools we currently have, USDC).
Calling getPositionRepartition gives the current contents of the position depending on the pool status:
- bondsQuantity represents funds that are currently borrowed and to be repaid at maturity
- normalizedDepositedAmount represents funds that are not currently lent out and that can be withdrawn.
If there is a factory contract, how to track the list of assets?
There is no factory, all the pools are located into the borrower pools contract, which address on polygon is 0xbc13e1B5DA083b10622Ff5B52c9cFa1912F10B1F.
Calling getPoolParameters and getPoolStatus gives more information about the characteristics or the pool.
How do we keep track of when the composition of the token changes?
Each position represents the ownership of a share of the pool, and the underlying assets are either borrowed or waiting to be borrowed, earning yield on the yield provider – currently Aave. The composition of a position can be queried by calling getPositionRepartition.

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Nahuel | Zerion

Status changed to: Live



Established by a team of 4 co-founders and former ConsenSys colleagues, Atlendis is a decentralized, non-custodial and capital-efficient DeFi lending protocol that allows liquidity providers (LPs) to lend digital assets to allowlisted institutional actors. The protocol is composed of a set of fully autonomous smart contracts that reside on the Polygon network and was launched in June 2022.
As opposed to other lending protocols that require the borrower to deposit collateral, Atlendis enables allowlisted borrowers to borrow without posting any collateral upfront. The unsecured nature of the loan exposes the lender to credit risk that is rewarded with a yield determined by the market's supply/demand dynamics. Atlendis partners with a credit scoring protocol to assess financial performance of borrowers on-chain, in a continuous and privacy conserving manner. From the borrower's perspective, unsecured borrowing allows for greater capital efficiency as well as greater flexibility to optimize their capital structure.


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