Pods Finance - New Vaults

  • Live

Guilherme Guimarães

--- This is an upgrade, we already have an integration with Zerion working ---

-- We are just adding new strategies addresses --

How to get address balance at the protocol? Including staked assets

To get the total number of underlying assets of a certain address, you can call the function maxWithdraw(address) with the requested address as an input

How to get the composition of underlying assets?

For now, there is only one underlying asset per strategy. They way to check it is calling the view function asset()

How do we keep track of when the composition of the token changes?

No factory contract, each strategy requires a custom new contract

How do we keep track of when the composition of the token changes?

Since we are using Lido stETH under the hood, the balances of the tokens changes in two situations:

When Lido's stETH contract updates When the user calls Deposit function or Withdraw function Protocol Name: Pods Yield

Landing: pods.finance

App: app.pods.finance/

Contact Info (Telegram/Email):

  • @robsjre / rob@pods.finance
  • @ggviana / gui@pods.finance

Network : Ethereum Mainnet

ETHphoria Vault: Protocol Contract Address (including staked assets): 0x5FE4B38520e856921978715C8579D2D7a4d2274F

Underlying assets: stETH (0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84)

FUD Vault: Protocol Contract Address (including staked assets): 0x287f941aB4B5AaDaD2F13F9363fcEC8Ee312a969

Underlying assets: aEthUSDC (0x98C23E9d8f34FEFb1B7BD6a91B7FF122F4e16F5c)

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Nahuel | Zerion

Status changed to: Live