RAI Protocol - FLX Staking

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Reflexer just added FLX/ETH LP staking into the RAI protocol.

Staking page: app.reflexer.finance/earn/staking

Staking docs: docs.reflexer.finance/incentives/flx-staking

Users can now stake their FLX/ETH Uniswap v2 LP tokens to protect RAI in the event of protocol insolvency. Within 5 hours of the announcement and at the time of this proposal, ~35% of the LP has already been staked (etherscan.io/token/0xd6f3768e62ef92a9798e5a8cedd2b78907cecef9#balances).

In return for staking, users are given stFLX. The representative value for stFLX will need to be shown to users of Zerion.

FLX/ETH LP: etherscan.io/address/0xd6f3768e62ef92a9798e5a8cedd2b78907cecef9

stFLX: etherscan.io/token/0x353efac5cab823a41bc0d6228d7061e92cf9ccb0

Staking contract: etherscan.io/address/0x82daf3b6fcd7d4b27cd9c6dbb6be93a7b38570ae#tokentxns

For questions, Reflexer Discord: discord.gg/CfR74X22XE

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Nahuel | Zerion

Status changed to: Live